


桂提取物:Cinnamon Bark Extract   

植物拉丁学名: Cinnamomum cassia Presl   

药材(提取部位)拉丁学名: Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae   

植 物形态: 常绿乔木,芳香。树皮灰褐色,幼枝有四棱,被灰黄色茸毛。叶互生或近对生,革质,长椭圆形至近披针形,先端短尖,基部楔形,上面绿色,有光泽, 离基三出脉;具叶柄。圆锥花序腋生;花被片6,白色;能育雄蕊9,3轮,内轮花丝基部有腺体2,子房卵形。浆果紫黑色,椭圆形,具浅杯状果托。花期6~8 月,果期10月至次年2~3月。

产地: 产于云南、广西、广东、福建。

功效: 补火助阳,引火归源,散寒止痛,活血通经。用于阳痿、宫冷、心腹冷痛、虚寒吐泻、 经闭、痛经。

生源: 多为栽培

采收时间: 多于秋季剥取栽培5~10年的树皮和枝皮,  肉桂晒干或阴干

气味: 特殊

味道: 味辛、甘。

颜色: 棕红色

规格:5:1 10:1,多酚20-30%

功效: 1. 温补肾阳2. 温中逐寒3. 宣导血脉4. 引火归元

成分: 含挥发油,油中含桂皮醛(cinnamaldehyde)、丁香酚(eugenol)等,并含鞣质及粘液质。

主要药理活性: 对人体免疫功能有明显的增强作用;其作用机理是,其可增强人体T淋巴细胞和B淋巴细胞的增殖与分化,并增强其功能;增强杀伤细胞的杀伤功能以及单核吞噬细胞的吞噬功能。该研究结果为筛选有效且无毒副作用的天然中药,提供重要实验和理论依据。

Product Name:Cinnamon Bark Extract
Latin name:Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae

Used part : Bark

Appearance: brownish red powder

Active ingredient: Cinnamic polyphenol

Specification: 5:1, 10:1, 20:1,30%-50% Cinnamic polyphenol

Molecular formula: C9H8O

About Cinnamon Bark:

Cinnamon Bark has been used throughout history, and across most cultures, as a culinary spice, for herbal bath decoctions and as a food remedy to maintain healthy blood sugar balance. Cinnamon contains the constituent, cinnamaldehyde, found in the volatile oil fraction of the plant. Cinnamaldehyde has potent antioxidant actions, protecting cells from oxidative damage, and supporting healthy fat and cholesterol balance within the normal range. Cinnamon bark also contains polyphenolic polymers that support healthy insulin and blood glucose balance within the normal range, and promote healthy blood flow.


  1. Protecting gastric mucosa against damage;
  2. Lowing blood pressure and preventing blood clots;
  3. Strengthening the body’s immune function.


  1. Applied in food field, used as raw materials of tea get good reputation;
  2. Applied in health product field , it can be used as the raw materials to enhance the immunity of human body;
  3. Applied in pharmaceutical field, to be added into capsule to reduce blood sugar.

Package & Storage:

1.Packing: By 25kgs/drum, inner by double plastic bag.

2.Storage: Stored in a cool & dry well-closed container, keep away from moisture and strong light/heat.

3.Shelf life: Two years under well storage situation.


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